Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A brilliant day

It's rare that everything goes your way the whole day. Today it has, for me though.

It did start like if it would be a bad day though. I turned on the news, while having porridge for breakfast. And I was met by a debate about whether or not the law on homosexual marriage should change.

That is a debate about if it should stay as it is now - a separate law for homosexuals, that is close to the heterosexual one, but still called somethings else and including some small differences. Or if there should be one law no matter who you chose to marry, one form of marriage and no separation that makes one category the norm and another category "the others".

I got annoyed, as the person arguing the stand point that I have, the later one, was pretty bad at arguing his point. And I got annoyed as the other person, arguing the separation, used things like "the child's best interest" in her arguments, like if it was clear that her stand point provided the best situation for children.

Anyway, I shook this annoyance off, and I went to see three of my former colleagues, and had a nice time.

After that I went to a Beauty salon and had a two hours facial, which was wonderful.

When I got home I had two letters waiting for me. One that told me that I got highest grade on the course that I just finished. And another one that told me that I've gotten a really big raise, bigger than I had dared to expect.

Can it get any better in one and the same day?

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