Well, as the great godmother already has announced in a comment on this blog, Noam has now arrived in to this world.
Many of you have probably also received a mass email while I was in hospital. My husband sent a mass email to random people in my email address book. Many of you that didn't receive it has gotten one from me. Sent it just a few minutes ago. Ad for those of you, whose email addresses I don't have: Here are some pics of my wonderful, sweet, amazing daughter. Will write more later. Now I have to attend to her.
Hei Sandra:)
Gratulerer så mye med den nydelige jenta deres. Hun var rett og slett utrolig skjønn. Regner med dere koser dere masse nå.
Klem fra Lillian
Lillian, tack så mycket! Kram!
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