My daughter is going through a phase right now. At least if you chose to believe a book that I've got. And I'm choosing to believe it. Because if it's not a phase, then it's probably schizophrenia. So a phase feels better.
Just had a bath on the photo above. Pretty obvious I guess.
Hi my name is LeAnn and I'm going through schizophrenia and I'm 22 yrs. old. When I look in the mirror I see Beauty and when I was 21 yrs. old I seen it in the light of the sun when I was working on my hair. It comes around once a year Beauty does and it comes in January and it don't seem to work everyday because I see darkness on my face and I don't understand it yet. I also see brown on my face too.
But I am a beautiful women because it seems that God knows what he's doing to me. God is in control of this.
I need help to explain why this phase isn't beauty at all it's darkness.
God help us to oversome this because we all need help from you and your the only one to know everything Jesus please help us all of us schizoprenia.
God bless you
LeAnn Neely
please make a comment about this.
LeAnn, I'm not sure that I understand your comment, but thanks for commenting on by blog.
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