Yesterday a friend of mine organized a fancy dress party. Fancy dress is not really my thing. I barely use make up normally. I barely dress up. So I guess a fancy dress party, where you have to put time and effort in to both clothes and make up, is a bit too much for my lazy ass. Or I just lack imagination.
But when someone puts a lot of energy into organizing a party for her friends. The least the friends can do is to dress up for it. So that’s what I did.
But I had no clue what to dress up as. So I forced my poor, lovely sister to help me. She had the idea that we would go together as the Pulp Fiction characters Mia Wallace and Vincent Vega. Guess who had do go as Vincent Vega?
I sure did look like an idiot as Vincent Vega. And most people couldn’t even figure out what my sister and I were trying to look like. But one thing is certain. I had so much fun while preparing. I’ve never laughed so much in my whole life. That’s in-between putting my head out through the window, trying to get some air that was not poisoned by the black hair spray my sister was spraying all over my hair.
It was also great being at the party watching all the people and the effort and creativity some of them had put into their costumes.
And honestly, I think it was crystal clear what my sister and I was trying to portrait. What do you think? :)
Jag tycker det syns JÄTTEMYCKET! Å snygga som attans också. Ojoj vilka hetingar, framför allt att du färgat dina polisonger svarta nu för tiden, då syns de ännu mer.
Fan vad snygga ni var! /Fridis
Malin aka Mia, din röst räknas inte eftersom jag misstänker att den inte är opartisk.
Frida, tack, det behövde vi nog höra :)
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